
Read about our latest happenings.

Thinking about what kinds of legacies practitioners and educators of architecture should be striving for


Loren will speak at the next 3 OVER 4 UNDER event on the topic of ‘On Legacy’.

3O4U is an annual lecture series run by the WA chapter of the Emerging Architects + Graduates Network (EmAGN) . The series— now in its 15th year — involves speakers from 3 established and 4 emerging architectural (and related) practices giving a presentation on a set topic.

This year, the presentations will be responding to the questions ‘what would you do differently if you had another chance?’ and ‘what kinds of legacies should practitioners and educators of architecture be striving for?’

In addition to Loren, the speakers are Eamon Broderick, Kieran Wong, Sarah McGann, Lee Yang Yang + Louise Allen, Tom McKendrick + Elliot Langdon and Robert Cameron. We’re looking forward to joining what’s likely to be a very interesting conversation.

You can grab your ticket here:

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